



Revision History

R1.1.1.  Corrections and enhancements

·                     Support deb and rpm installations for Linux

·                     Windows 64-bit installation prompts for 64-bit version of Java.

·                     Corrected problem where internal text viewer was getting a Java run time error.

·                     Fixed drag and drop

R1.1.0.  Enhancements

·                     Support as Eclipse RCP Application

·                     Linux support.

·                     OS/x Alpha Distribution

·                     Different Architecture that removes dependency on File Associations. 

R1.0.7   Enhancements

·                     Added presentation of complete load library directories.

·                     Added new tab for message file content for XMIT files that were created with the MSGFILE option.

·                     In the PDS Info Tab, interpreted meaning of IEBCOPY COPYR1 fields as described in Appendix B of DFSMSdfp Utilities manual.

R1.0.6   Correction

·                     I was informed that load module extraction did not work for PDS/e. This has been corrected.

·                     The program that reports a binary file in an EBCDIC dump format was padding information at the end of the dump. This made the binary file appear larger than it was. The program was segmenting the binary file into multiple segments; and it used the same buffer for each segment.  The last segment had residual at its end that was really residual data from the previous segment.

R1.0.5   Correction

·                     Corrected logic that traverses load library directories.

R1.0.4   New Features

·                     Limited support of Load Libraries.

·                     Stand-alone application to update unXmit’s runtime profile.

·                     Support for data stored inside XMIT using MSGDATASET keyword.

R1.0.3   Corrections

·                     Added help HTML to application.

·                     Corrected error caused by XMIT unloaded from PDS that had 16 extents.

R1.0.2   Correct hard-coded reference to CODEPAGE.XML

R1.0.1   Improvements to Profile Frame

·                     Added tooltips for items on Profile Tab giving brief description for each profile option.

·                     Profile entries for unXmit’s temporary work directory and log file names can be modified by single clicking corresponding path names with mouse on Profile frame.

·                     Double clicking path names with mouse on Profile frame will display unXmit’s profile, log file, and temporary directory. This option depends on file associations for XML and LOG.

R0.0.5   Selection of CHARSET translate tables

·                     Have a dropdown box providing a list of available character sets for PC-Dialect and Mainframe-Dialects. This will allow continued support for the different EBCDIC and ASCII character set conversions provided in CHARSETS.JAR.

·                     Provide panel to change profile options before “open dialog” is presented, so that runtime options can be set before any XMIT file is scanned.

R0.0.4   JAVA’s International Version no longer required

·         Profile (Unxmit.XML) accepts INTERNAL for PC-Dialect and MainFrame-Dialect. When these XML tags are set to INTERNAL, unXmit uses its own internal translate table. This should eliminate the need for Java’s international version.

·         Profile routine temporarily forces PC-Dialect and Mainframe-Dialect to INTERNAL.

·         Corrected bug where intermediate file containing an imbedded XMIT member was growing in size. File was being appended instead of replaced.

R0.0.3   Corrected problems with record size other than fixed-length 80.

·         Fixed truncation for LRECL larger than 80

·         Added Variable length record support

R0.0.2   Added progress bar to track progress through phase-1 analysis of XMIT file.

Future Deliverables

R1.0.2   Add help panels to application.